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Features of knowledge economy in the current conditions
21.05.2012, 19:30
Features of knowledge economy in the current conditions

С.И. Самодурова

The object of research is the knowledge economy as the type of economy in which production and implementation of knowledge and innovation play a crucial role in ensuring long-term sustainable development.

The diversity of the problems of formation and development of knowledge economy and their relationship with various aspects of the economic system are studied by many domestic and foreign scientists of various schools and trends. Among them we distinguish the works of Russian scientists L.I. Abalkin, A.А. Buzgalin, A. Dobrynin and many others.

Nowadays the term "The New Economy" is understood in narrow sense (a system of economic relationships, the formation and characteristics of which are due to the development of new technologies and the speed of information dissemination) and in the broader sense ( a new type of economy in which production and implementation of knowledge and innovation plays a crucial role in ensuring the long-term sustainable development).

New effects inherent in the knowledge economy are as follows:

- network effects;

- law of rising returns;

- the exponential growth of knowledge-intensive nature of production;

- technological and intellectual rent.

It is necessary to mention that the process of formation of the economy knowledge in the world experience includes two aspects: rapid development of knowledge-intensive industries (profit from the sale of high technology product) and the increase of the contribution of services and high-tech sector in GDP (more than 40% of GDP in the U.S. and some EU countries).

In this connection there are several ways of problem solvation and prospects for Russia:

- support of high-tech industries (tax breaks, insurance, high-tech industries, venture business);

- measures to improve the innovation activity of economic agents and

formation of the NIS (the creation of innovation clusters, support for the regions in creating RIAs, intellectual property protection, harmonization of technical regulations with international);

- improvement of the production and dissemination of knowledge and transfer into production: the integration of science, education and production, the introduction of "knowledge management" in the enterprises;

- economy-wide measures: diversification of services, development of non-oil sectors of the economy.

Thus, the knowledge economy is the type of economy in which production and implementation of knowledge and innovation are very important in the future development.

Список использованной литературы: - статьи по экономике из научных библиотек
Категория: Экономические науки | Добавил: GOD | Теги: The, Features, Knowledge, of, Economy, in, Current, conditions
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